Content Creation Resources - Paul Sweeney

Tools for Content Creators

My marketing strategy for my accounting firm, Pretium Solutions, involves creating a variety of types of content. Nowadays, I am producing a podcast, plus a variety of videos, blogs and social posts in an effort to increase my reach and create opportunities for connection with prospects. During my journey as a content creator, I have used many different tools across these platforms. My set ups started out very basic and have grown to what they are today.

I am regularly asked about my content creation set up. After a lot of experimentation and practice, I am happy with my current tools. Here is what I use for The Business Behind Your Business podcast and YouTube.

Smart Passive Income (SPI)

SPI is great for helping you think about overall strategy. The founder, Pat Flynn, has his fingers in many pies! He is very experienced in all aspects of content creation. I find his material engaging and easy to follow. The SPI resources, podcast and videos were a major influence on how I started my podcast.

Video Ranking Academy

This course created by Sean Cannell has been very helpful in getting me started in the world of video creation. It provides you with proven strategies to increase your video views, improve your search rankings, and ultimately generate more income.


Zencastr is an all-in-one podcast tool. I use Zencastr to record the podcast and I love how I can easily change up the audio levels for each participant.

Camtasia + Snagit + Screencast (TechSmith Products)

With my podcast, I like to record a podcast video along with the audio recording. It makes sense – your recording time is the same, it just means recording video alongside the audio. That way, you can capture an even bigger audience! Camtasia is an amazing video editing tool.

Snagit is a fantastic tool for getting screenshots. It is very helpful when creating ‘how to’ videos and documents for clients and for my team.

With Screencast, you can easily share the content you create in Camtasia and Snagit.

Convert Kit

This is where you build your fan base! From creating excitement about an upcoming guest, to sharing handy hints on your topic of choice, ConvertKit has your back. It securely stores your subscriber details and enables you to send newsletters, as well as create automations to keep your subscribers coming back for more. You can also create landing pages and forms. ConvertKit has a variety of templates available to help you match your brand and purpose.


Descript is an editing tool. While the video editing capabilities are a bit basic, it is a very handy tool when it comes to transcripts! Editing audio or video from a transcript makes what could be a painful process into a breeze. Descript also creates some beautiful visual soundbites. There are plenty of templates to choose from and the software is easy to learn.


This is where the magic happens! Buzzsprout is the official home of The Business Behind Your Business. If you are just getting started and don’t have a podcast website, you can use your Buzzsprout landing page as your home base. Buzzsprout catalogues your episodes, incorporates your artwork and audio files, and even lets you add transcripts along with your show notes! You can choose from a variety of link types to help you share your podcast with the world!

Gear We Use

Here you’ll find links to the specific hardware that I’m using. We’re talking cameras, sound equipment, lighting, you name it!

Note: The resources shown are affiliate links, meaning my business receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase. I really appreciate it when you use my links to check out and purchase some of the tools I use.  It helps me to continue to provide content for other businesses.

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, my business earns from qualifying purchases.